here is a list i've been compiling for a couple months. most of the advice comes from other people, lectures, or the internet; but some of them are things i have noticed and tried to incorporate into my life. ultimately, learn, understand, and live them and you'll be happier. promise!
1. Learn to be okay with not being okay.
2. Learn to have conversations that do not consist of lambasting someone else, especially when that someone is you.
3. Give the most kindness to those who seem like they least deserve it.
4. Learn to define and describe people without initially reaching for their appearance as key adjectives.
5. Realize that perspective determines everything.
6. Understand that when something upsets you, it’s striking a nerve of truth.
7. Understand that when someone upsets you, the best thing to do is understand where they’re coming from.
8. Know that no matter how far you've come, there’s no point at which it’s appropriate to remain sedentary.
9. Be radically, sincerely honest. Be shocked at how deeply you can connect with people when you are.
10. Don't be afraid to cry in front of people & realize that it's better to do it now because at some point you'll need to cry it out.
11. Realize that selflessness is one of the most predominantly wonderful qualities a person can have.
12. Learn to actually feel happy for other people.
13. Go into everything with the knowing that you don’t know it all, and that every experience is valid.
14. Invest in extra linens, donate what you don’t use, and keep extra Tylenol on you because people tend to need it and be without it rather frequently.
15. Call your siblings more.
16. Be present in what’s at hand. You owe it to the people in your life and to the things you've built for yourself.
17. Understand that letting go and moving on means very humbly and slowly gesturing in the direction of which you’d like to reach.
18. Get dressed everyday, just for yourself.
19. Give better goodbyes.
20. Carve out time to do nothing but be with yourself.
21. Boldly make yourself your first priority. You’ll do everything better when you do.
22. Stop shaming yourself for doing things that are perfectly, normally human, but happen to be deemed imperfect in society.
23. Read. A lot.
24. Reach out to people, open your heart, and watch how eagerly they jump in and do the same.
25. Take lots of pictures, but keep some of them just for yourself.
26. Sometimes be so busy having fun you don't even think about taking a picture & remember that you can write about the experience & keep the memory with you longer.
27. When you are with new friends, don't just sit and talk about old friends.
28. Remember that it's okay to spend friday at home with the family.
29. If you have made your point, stop talking.
30. Look people in the eye when you thank them.
31. Be kind and forgive them anyway.
32. Spend quality time with your daddy.
33. Be home for dinner.
34. Spend a few hours with your grandparents and listen to their stories, they won't be around forever & never take the time you have with them for granted.
35. Leave your phone in the other room when guests are over.
36. Send handwritten letters to your friends on missions. Even if they don't have time to reply, the letter will mean a lot to them.
37. If it's an appropriate time, share your testimony and be genuine about it.
38. Be somebody that makes everybody feel like somebody.
39. Marry your best friend, date around and experience a lot of different people. But when life gets hard you'll want to be married to your best friend.
40. Do all things with love.
41. Participate in service, but don't do it for yourself nor to appear a certain way.
42. Seek respect, not attention. It lasts longer.
43. There is power in going and doing things alone. You don't always need to have someone with you and people won't judge you for being by yourself.
44. You cannot change the cards you are dealt, just the way you play the hand.
45. Experience is something you receive when you don't get exactly what you want.
46. Loyalty is a two-way street.
47. When you do the right thing, good things have a way of happening.
48. Don't complain just work harder.
49. Never throw away handwritten cards, letters, or notes specifically addressed to you. You'll want them someday and the words will give you comfort or maybe just a good laugh.
50. Keep your room, assignments, and life as organized & neat as possible.
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