Today is Father's Day and I am very far away from my Father. And yes, I wished him a good day. I wish I could have done more. I feel like I have so much to say. - rather - so much to thank my Father for . . .
My Dad is amazing, first of all. He is strong. He is kind. He is the smartest person I know. He knows how to work, and he knows how to work hard. He loves the gospel. He is honest. He is dedicated. He is humble. He provides. He takes good care of us. He is an example in all things. He is passionate. He is caring. He is respectful. He is shy. He is sweet. He is loving. He is amazing and he is my Dad.
I am lucky to have him has my Dad. He taught me all those things. I may not have listened to all of them all the time, but the example was always there. It continues to be there and I am grateful for that. I know who I am because of my Dad. I get a lot of my personality from my Dad, whether he will admit it or not. I may be more outgoing than him but I get my dedication and work ethic from him.
And my height ;)
I love my Dad. I love what he believes in and what he stands for. I love that we essentially went to the same mission - him Little Rock, Arkansas - me Bentonville, Arkansas. I'm lucky that he has taught me so much. He taught me to work and to enjoy work. He taught me to love baseball. He taught me to travel and explore. He taught me to hike and see new things. He taught me about money and how and when to spend it. He taught me about cars and where to put my windshield wiper fluid. He taught me about the scriptures and about a Heavenly Father who loves me.
My Dad taught me to love through how he loved his kids and how he loved my mom. They didn't always say it, but they always showed it. He has shown me a glimpse of what Heavenly Father must be like . . .
Because I know that Heavenly Father
rejoices with me.
He knows. And because He knows, He can help me. He can literally pick me up and give me the strength that I need to push through one more day. Because He knows what I am capable of and He has incredible things in store for me.
He loves me.
And He loves you.
I'm grateful to a Daddy that loves me and taught me to love. Especially to love my Heavenly Father.
Happy Father's Day.

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