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july already?

it's hard for me to believe it's already july, but i'm so excited...and for a few reasons

1) july is my birthday month

2) july contains my 4th favorite holiday (;

3) july is next to august, which means....MISSION

june was full of mini vacations along with adventures with my favorite people. not to mention loud music, jeep rides, diving into freezing water, ahhmazing views, shooting through tubes, befriending 14 year olds, hair in our faces, and making memories that we'll always look back on and smile. 

and as i told my friend desi, i want a summer to remember, not a summer to wonder what the heck i did the whole time.

so here's to the rest of summer and here's to the memories made so far. . .

i received my mission call on june 26
Oklahoma, Tulsa August 13 Provo MTC English

shooting the tube in SLC

silver lake with tara, desi & sierra
not sure why this picture happened but i think it was
because all of our boys are on missions?

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